Science is one of the most influential subject because it includes the newest technology. Science have a big contribution to make a nation progressive and successful. We can say that, science is a big help to develop our Nation.
Learning about Science, is a big knowledge that you can gain. We can adapt Science Culture by many ways. Gathering ideas is a good way, because we can gather the opinions of other people. Science Culture should be preserved for the next generation. This month, Science Club celebrates Science month. There are so many activities in celebrating. They are promotng the ways to protect our nature. As a Science clubber, I will encourage my fellow students to join this activities. Protecting our nature is a big responsibility. We should plant trees, use the 3R's, and avoid doing something that can be harmful to our nature like throwing garbages at the river.
Our nature is very important because almost of our basic needs are coming from our nature. We should preserve the natural beauty of our nature for the betterment of the next generation.